Istilah-istilah yang ada pada materi HIMPUNAN(SETS)
Istilah-istilah |
Terms |
1. Himpunan |
Set |
2. Himpunan semesta |
Universal set |
3. Himpunan kosong |
Empty set |
4. Himpunan berhingga |
Finite set |
5. Himpunan takhingga |
Set of infinity |
6. Diagram |
Diagram |
7. Diagram venn |
Venn diagram |
8. Kurva |
Curve |
9. Relasi himpunan |
Set relation |
10. Himpunan Saling
lepas |
Disjoint set |
11. Himpunan
berpotongan |
Intersect sets |
12. Himpunan sama |
Same set |
13. Himpunan ekuivalen |
Set of equivalents |
14. Himpunan bagian |
Subset |
15. Kesamaan dua
himpunan |
The similarity of the
two sets |
16. Anggota himpunan |
Member association |
17. Operasi himpunan |
Set operations |
18. Operasi komplemen |
Complement operation |
19. Operasi irisan |
Slice operation |
20. Operasi gabungan |
Combined operation |
21. Sifat-sifat Operasi
Himpunan |
The nature of the set
operation |
22. Komplemen ganda |
Double complement |
23. Sifat komutatif/
pertukaran |
Exchange |
24. Sifat Asosiatif/
Pengelompokan |
Grouping |
25. Sifat identitas |
Identity trait |
26. Hukum distributif |
Distributive law |
27. Operasi selisih |
Increment operation |
28. Operasi jumlah |
Number operations |
29. Operasi perkalian |
operation |
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